Dynamic Drainage Analyzer 5

Dynamic Drainage Analyzer 5

DDA 5 has a more compact design than its predecessors and consists of only one unit.

DDA 5 has a more compact design than its predecessors and consists of only one unit.

The unique Dynamic Drainage Analyser 5, DDA 5, simulates conditions on paper machines and the shear can be precisely controlled to simulate pumps and other equipment. DDA 5 has a turbidity sensor by which retention values are presented automatically. Drainage speed, initial drainage and temperature readings are presented for chosen time intervals. The effects of different pulp mixtures, degrees of refining, additions of chemicals and fillers on drainage conditions can be realistically studied.

DDA 5 is also suitable for usage in nanocellulose projects.

Exchangeable wire cloths give possibility to run samples with very different characteristics. Tailor-made wire cloths are available on request.


  • Increased productivity
  • Quick results and easy operation.
  • Automatic cleaning for increased productivity.
  • Increased sensitivity.
  • Accurate also at lower freeness levels.
  • User-friendly design and easy to use interface.
  • Compact and light design for mobility.
  • Easy to control experiment conditions.