

Crill is the single variable having the strongest connection to pulp strength properties. The more crill there are on and around the fibres, the stronger the paper or board will be. By measuring the amount of crill it is possible to pre-calculate the pulp strength in order to improve paper and board strength characteristics. This defines the refining needed to optimise the amount of crill.

The CrillEye module can measure total, free and crill attached to the fibres. CrillEye is suitable for mechanical as well as chemical pulps.


  • Strength properties are continuously calculated and presented.
  • Fewer man-hours required for laboratory work.
  • Energy savings are achieved as pulps are produced closer to quality targets.
  • Process operators can follow the actual quality situation and quickly react to keep the quality on specified targets.
  • Measuring crill and calculating important pulp properties means that pulp mills can produce pulps optimal to each customer, with the right level of energy used.
  • The technology is also used on MFC/Nano applications.